Tuesday 23 September 2008

Captain's Blog

When is a blog not a blog?
I know there should be some witty punchline in there somewhere, but I'm damned if I can think of it.
That doesn't invalidate the question, of course, and anyone daring to presume that their pearls of wisdom might be of any interest to readers out there in what they apparently call the blogosphere (who invents this stuff?) should be possessed of:
1. a load of self-confidence;
2. an irresponsibly misguided sense of their own importance; or
3. something worth saying.
Which have I? You be the judge...
So why put one's opinions out there for all to see, alongside the thousands of others doing the same? Is it a journal? Is it a rant? Is it therapy?
Don't come looking for answers. You might find things that interest you, you might find things that infuriate you. My take is that I have views on certain matters, mainly related to theatre and the arts, and I have a 25-year professional career writing about these things that perhaps lends some weight to my opinions, so I feel - rightly or wrongly - entitled to air them. If you don't want to read them, that's fine. If you've got this far, you must be at least vaguely interested.
Stick with it if you can bear it. Post a comment if you like. I'm not precious. I just need to be loved...

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